Some powerful features of DJIAfterFlight include:
- display vector data from the flight itself including positions & look-angles for each image
- turn on/off the streaming background map (internet required) and change map layers
- display image thumbnails (when yaw/pitch/roll information present)
- display a single piece of EXIF information on screen for every image at once
- show pointing arrows for flight direction at time of each image capture
- show individual image footprints (when yaw/pitch/roll information present)
- ability to search for specific metadata by typing
- copy selected image file(s) to a new folder
- ability to export EXIF, XMP and specific DJI metadata in a highly customizable text file format
- customize on-screen display (display colors, etc)
- ability to export all EXIF/XMP metadata in a variety of file formats including tab-delimited text, .csv comma-separated values, XML format & also JSON format
- show/hide various on-screen elements to help generated screengrabs for reports etc
- quickly review imagery on-site before leaving to ensure nothing has been missed
- extremely fast to load data and user-friendly interface for data manipulation & viewing
- compatible with imagery from any source where GPS information is stored in the image headers
- sort and colour-code the display based on user-selectable metadata [coming soon]
- compare planned aerial missions from DJIFlightPlanner with actual captured data using DJIAfterFlight [coming soon]
- plus more !
We are constantly updating and improving DJIAfterFlight. Paid customers will be entitled to all updates & patches for free – there are no nasty hidden costs or fees over time. Also, in a future version we are planning on adding support for importing your own background maps, which will allow for comparing imaging results over time and/or also in remote locations where background imagery may not be up-do-date. This is also often the case at mine sites where open pits and stockpiles change regularly.
Contact us to request your free demonstration version of DJIAfterFlight today !